Enviromental Law - Maynes, Braford, Shipps, Shefftel LLP

Environmental Law

At Maynes, Bradford, Shipps & Sheftel, LLP, several of our attorneys have experience and expertise in one or more areas of environmental law, including matters related to water quality, air quality, NEPA compliance, Endangered Species Act, environmental litigation, and treatment of Indian tribes as states under federal environmental laws. Our attorneys have represented both regulatory agencies and regulated entities in environmental matters. Much of our environmental practice involves working with federal and state agencies and our attorneys have developed close working relationships with attorneys and staff at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment. Representative examples of the firm’s work in this area include:

  • Review of Bureau of Land Management draft environmental assessments for large oil and gas development plans on the Southern Ute Indian Reservation in southwest Colorado
  • Assistance in the development of air pollution control program regulations for an Indian tribal client
  • Assistance to an Indian tribal client in obtaining “treatment as a state” status under the Clean Air Act and assisting the client in obtaining the first ever EPA delegation of authority for an Indian tribe to administer a Clean Air Act Title V (40 CFR Part 70) operating permit program
  • Representation of a water district in State water quality standards proceedings for the development of nutrient criteria
  • Negotiation of an intergovernmental agreement between a tribal client and a State for the shared regulation of air pollution on the Tribe’s reservation
  • Preparation of comments, in coordination with our client’s staff, on U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service proposals for the designation of critical habitat for the Southwestern Willow Flycatcher

Thomas H. Shipps
Sam W. Maynes
Adam T. Reeves
Daniel F. McCarl